Arbeitsgemeinschaft Symplektische Topologie

H. Geiges, S. Sabatini

Wintersemester 2015/16

Mi 12 c.t. Seminarraum 2 (Raum 204)

28.10.15 Marc Kegel
Computation of the Thurston-Bennequin invariant in surgery diagrams
4.11.15 Hansjörg Geiges
Transversely holomorphic flows on 3-manifolds
11.11.15 Thomas Rot
Symplectic reduction
18.11.15 Milena Pabiniak
Delzant's theorem
25.11.15 Milena Pabiniak
Delzant's theorem II
2.12.15 Thomas Rot
The Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg convexity theorem
9.12.15 Sebastian Durst
16.12.15 Christian Evers
The orbifold fundamental group
13.1.16 Marc Kegel
Orbifolds and coverings
20.1.16 Christian Lange
Geodesics on Riemannian orbifolds
27.1.16 Christian Lange
Geodesics on Riemannian orbifolds II
3.2.16 Christian Lange
Zoll orbifolds
23.3.16 Alessandro Fasse
Kontaktgeometrie des Dreikörperproblems

H. Geiges, 24.11.14