
On Tuesday morning from 9.15 a.m. till 10.00 a.m. the registration will be open in Seminarraum 2 on the second floor of the Mathematical Institute Weyertal 86-90, 50931 Köln. All lectures will be at the Hörsaal of the Mathematical Institute. The Hörsaal is on the second floor of the Institute. When you enter the building, you can either take the stairs or the elevator. If you take the stairs, the "Hörsaal" is directly on the left hand side.


The Hörsaal contains nine blackboards as well as a beamer that uses a screen in front of the blackboards. To use the beamer, one may connect with one' s own notebook but, when you prefer to travel light, just a memory stick with your pdf-file will do. One of our notebooks will be present.


We are trying to organize access via WLAN to the internet of the Mathematical Institute. If you want to use this, you will need to bring your notebook.