Sektion Algebra

DMV Jahrestagung, Köln , 19. - 22. September 2011

Organisatoren: Anne Henke, Steffen König, Gunter Malle

Montag, 19. September
14:00 Shrawan Kumar
Geometry of orbits of permanents and determinants

15:00 Guido Pezzini
A constructive approach to the classification of wonderful varieties

15:30 Sebastian Herpel
On the smoothness of centralizers in reductive groups

16:30 Maurizio Martino
Partial KZ functors for Cherednik algebras

17:30 Volodymyr Mazorchuk
2-representations of finitary 2-categories

Dienstag, 20. September
14:00 Markus Linckelmann
On Hochschild cohomology of block algebras

15:00 Susanne Danz
On the double Burnside ring of a finite group

15:30 Christine Bessenrodt
Kronecker products of characters of the symmetric groups with few components

16:30 Ghislain Fourier
Weyl modules and Schur positivity

17:00 Florian Eisele
Liften von Algebren zu Ordnungen

17:30 Gabriele Nebe
Extremale Gitter

Mittwoch, 21. September
14:00 Gerhard Hiss
Hecke algebras in representation theory

15:00 Felix Noeske
Erzeugung von Hecke-Algebren

15:30 Michael Cuntz
From Hopf algebras to toric varieties via the Weyl groupoid

16:30 Bernhard Keller
Quiver mutation and quantum dilogarithm identities

17:30 Sarah Scherotzke
Linear recurrence relations for cluster variables of affine quivers

18:00 Phillipp Lampe
Cluster algebras and quantum shuffles

Donnerstag, 22. September
14:00 Leonard Scott
New graded methods in representation theory

15:00 Vanessa Miemietz
Homological algebras for GL_2

16:30 Simon Riche
Constructible sheaves on affine Grassmannians and geometry of the dual group

17:30 Catharina Stroppel
Convolution algebras and affine Schur algebras