Workshop Cologne-Nice « Complex and CR Geometry and Dynamics »,
14-15 Novembre 2022 Nice.
Confirmed Participants:
M. Ancona (UCA),
M. Adachi (Shizuoka University),
C.-Y. Hsiao (Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan),
B. Liu (U. Cologne),
G. Marinescu (U. Cologne),
D. Popovici (U. Toulouse),
S. Nivoche (UCA),
N. Savale (U. Cologne),
O. Shabtai (U. Cologne),
Wei-Chuan Shen (U Cologne),
L. Stolovitch (UCA),
Z. Zhao (UCA).
Monday 14/11
9:15-10:00, G. Marinescu (U. Cologne): "Introduction to Bergman kernels and Toeplitz operators",
10:15-11:00, C.-Y. Hsiao (Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan): "Szego kernels in complex and CR geometry",
11:15-12:00, D. Popovici (U. Toulouse 3): "A Variational Approach to SKT and Balanced Metrics",
14:00-14:45, M. Adachi (Shizuoka U., Japan): "Sobolev estimates on Levi-flat CR manifolds".
Tuesday 15/11
9:00-9:45, L. Stolovitch (CNRS-UCA): "Application of dynamics to gometrie of CR singularities".
10:15-11:00, M. Ancona (UCA): "Rarefaction of maximal real algebraic hypersurfaces ".
11:15-12:00, B. Liu (U. Cologne): "The zeros of random holomorphic sections on noncompact complex manifold".
14:00-14:45, Z. Zhao (UCA): "KAM theory and hyperbolic CR singularity"
Organisateurs :
George Marinescu et Laurent Stolovitch.