Oberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis

H. Geiges, G. Marinescu, S. Sabatini, D. V. Vu

Sommersemester 2024

Freitag, 10:30-11:30, Seminarraum 2 (Raum 204)

19.4.24 BACH Seminar in Heidelberg

26.4.24 Christian Lehn (Bochum)
Singular varieties with trivial canonical class

Abstract: We will present recent advances in the field of singular varieties with trivial canonical class, obtained in joint work with Bakker and Guenancia, building on work by many others. This includes the decomposition theorem, which says that such a variety is up to a finite cover isomorphic to a product of a torus, irreducible Calabi-Yau and irreducible symplectic varieties. The proof uses a reduction argument to the projective case, which in turn is possible due to advances in deformation theory and a certain result about limits of Kähler Einstein metrics in locally trivial families.
3.5.24 Marcos Salvai (Córdoba)

H. Geiges, 15.4.24