Oberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis

H. Geiges, M. Lesch, G. Thorbergsson

Wintersemester 2002/03

Freitag, 10:30-12:00, Seminarraum 1

18.10.02 Prof. Dr. Burkhard Wilking (Münster)
Gruppenaktionen auf Mannigfaltigkeiten mit positiver Schnittkrümmung
8.11.02 Prof. Dr. Tilmann Wurzbacher (Metz)
Der Dirac-Ramond Operator auf Schleifenrämen

Zusammenfassung: Nach Edward Witten und anderen sollte der Zirkel-äquivariante Index des hypothetischen "Dirac-Ramond-Operators" auf dem Schleifenraum einer endlichdimensionalen Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeit ihr elliptisches Geschlecht sein. Wir geben - im Falle von Schleifen in Zahlräumen - eine Konstruktion dieses Operators und berechnen seinen Index, i.W. die Dedekindsche Eta-Funktion.

Fuer den entsprechenden Artikel siehe: http://www.mmas.univ-metz.fr/~wurzbacher/publications.html
15.11.02 Prof. Dr. Enrico Leuzinger (Karlsruhe)
Isoperimetrische Ungleichungen und Tits-Gebäude
29.11.02 Prof. Dr. Kai Cieliebak (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Wall crossing and quantum cohomology

Zusammenfassung: The subject of this talk is a new approach to compute the quantum cohomology of toric manifolds. After providing some background and motivating examples on toric manifolds and quantum cohomology, I will state a wall crossing formula that relates Gromov-Witten invariants of different toric manifolds. Iterated application of this formula proves that the quantum cohomology of a monotone toric manifold agrees with a ring described by Batyrev.
6.12.02 Prof. Dr. Vladimir Nazaikinskii (z.Zt. Potsdam)
Surgery, spectral flow and index theorems on singular manifolds

Zusammenfassung: A general theorem on the behavior of relative index under surgery is stated for a wide class of Fredholm operators. A variety of previously known specific relative index theorems can be viewed as special cases. In conjunction with additional conditions (like symmetry conditions) imposed on the operator, this theorem permits one to obtain index formulas. Applications are given to elliptic pseudodifferential operators and quantized canonical transformations on manifolds with conical singularities. The corresponding index theorems express a homotopy invariant of the principal symbol via the analytic index and a correction term given by the spectral flow of certain operator families on the base of the cone. The case of families index is also considered.
13.12.02 Prof. Dr. Werner Ballmann (Bonn)
Eigenwerte und Holonomie
Beginn 11:00
20.12.02 Prof. Dr. Johann Davidov (z.Zt. MPI Bonn)
Harmonic almost complex structures on twistor spaces
10.1.03 Prof. Dr. Urs Lang (ETH Zürich)
Bilipschitz-Parametrisierung von Flächen
Hier ein link zum entsprechenden preprint.
24.1.03 Prof. Dr. Matthias Schwarz (Leipzig)
Spectral invariants for symplectic diffeomorphisms

Zusammenfassung: Floer-Homology is not only a tool for proving the Arnold Conjecture but it also serves as a rich source for symplectic invariants. In this talk, in particular variational aspects and the algebraic ring structure in Floer homology are presented which lead to constructions of spectral invariants for the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms. This refers to Hofer-continuous sections in the action spectrum bundle which allow new results in the study of the structure groups of closed symplectic manifolds.
24.1.03 Um 16:30 findet die Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Geiges statt.

H. Geiges, 3.12.02