Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Template specializations

Full specialization

Partial Specialization

A practical example

There’s nothing to prevent you from using a class template in any way you’d use an ordinary class. For example, you can easily inherit from a template, and you can create a new template that instantiates and inherits from an existing template. If the vector class does everything you want, but you’d also like it to sort itself, you can easily reuse the code and add value to it:

//: C19:Sorted.h
// Template specialization
#ifndef SORTED_H
#define SORTED_H
#include <vector>

template<class T>
class Sorted : public std::vector<T> {
  void sort();

template<class T>
void Sorted<T>::sort() { // A bubble sort
  for(int i = size(); i > 0; i--)
    for(int j = 1; j < i; j++)
      if(at(j-1) > at(j)) {
        // Swap the two elements:
        T t = at(j-1);
        at(j-1) = at(j);
        at(j) = t;

// Partial specialization for pointers:
template<class T>
class Sorted<T*> : public std::vector<T*> {
  void sort();

template<class T>
void Sorted<T*>::sort() {
  for(int i = size(); i > 0; i--)
    for(int j = 1; j < i; j++)
      if(*at(j-1) > *at(j)) {
        // Swap the two elements:
        T* t = at(j-1);
        at(j-1) = at(j);
        at(j) = t;

// Full specialization for char*:
void Sorted<char*>::sort() {
  for(int i = size(); i > 0; i--)
    for(int j = 1; j < i; j++)
      if(strcmp(at(j-1), at(j)) > 0) {
        // Swap the two elements:
        char* t = at(j-1);
        at(j-1) = at(j);
        at(j) = t;
#endif // SORTED_H ///:~

The Sorted template imposes a restriction on all classes it is instantiated for: They must contain a > operator. In SString this is added explicitly, but in Integer the automatic type conversion operator int provides a path to the built-in > operator. When a template provides more functionality for you, the trade-off is usually that it puts more requirements on your class. Sometimes you’ll have to inherit the contained class to add the required functionality. Notice the value of using an overloaded operator here – the Integer class can rely on its underlying implementation to provide the functionality.

The default Sorted template only works with objects (including objects of built-in types). However, it won’t sort pointers to objects so the partial specialization is necessary. Even then, the code generated by the partial specialization won’t sort an array of char*. To solve this, the full specialization compares the char* elements using strcmp( ) to produce the proper behavior.

Here’s a test for Sorted.h that uses the unique random number generator introduced earlier in the chapter:

//: C19:Sorted.cpp
// Testing template specialization
#include "Sorted.h"
#include "Urand.h"
#include "../arraySize.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

char* words[] = {
  "is", "running", "big", "dog", "a",
char* words2[] = {
  "this", "that", "theother",

int main() {
  Sorted<int> is;
  Urand<47> rand;
  for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
  for(int l = 0; l < is.size(); l++)
    cout << is[l] << ' ';
  cout << endl;
  for(int l = 0; l < is.size(); l++)
    cout << is[l] << ' ';
  cout << endl;

  // Uses the template partial specialization:
  Sorted<string*> ss;
  for(int i = 0; i < asz(words); i++)
    ss.push_back(new string(words[i]));
  for(int i = 0; i < ss.size(); i++)
    cout << *ss[i] << ' ';
  cout << endl;
  for(int i = 0; i < ss.size(); i++)
    cout << *ss[i] << ' ';
  cout << endl;
  // Uses the full char* specialization:
  Sorted<char*> scp;
  for(int i = 0; i < asz(words2); i++)
  for(int i = 0; i < scp.size(); i++)
    cout << scp[i] << ' ';
  cout << endl;
  for(int i = 0; i < scp.size(); i++)
    cout << scp[i] << ' ';
  cout << endl;
} ///:~

Each of the template instantiations uses a different version of the template. Sorted<int> uses the “ordinary,” non-specialized template. Sorted<string*> uses the partial specialization for pointers. Lastly, Sorted<char*> uses the full specialization for char*. Note that without this full specialization, you could be fooled into thinking that things were working correctly because the words array would still sort out to “a big dog is running” since the partial specialization would end up comparing the first character of each array. However, words2 would not sort out correctly, and for the desired behavior the full specialization is necessary.

Pointer specialization

Partial ordering of function templates

Design & efficiency

In Sorted, every time you call add( ) the element is inserted and the array is resorted. Here, the horribly inefficient and greatly deprecated (but easy to understand and code) bubble sort is used. This is perfectly appropriate, because it’s part of the private implementation. During program development, your priorities are to

  1. Get the class interfaces correct.
  2. Create an accurate implementation as rapidly as possible so you can:
  3. Prove your design.
Very often, you will discover problems with the class interface only when you assemble your initial “rough draft” of the working system. You may also discover the need for “helper” classes like containers and iterators during system assembly and during your first-pass implementation. Sometimes it’s very difficult to discover these kinds of issues during analysis – your goal in analysis should be to get a big-picture design that can be rapidly implemented and tested. Only after the design has been proven should you spend the time to flesh it out completely and worry about performance issues. If the design fails, or if performance is not a problem, the bubble sort is good enough, and you haven’t wasted any time. (Of course, the ideal solution is to use someone else’s sorted container; the Standard C++ template library is the first place to look.)

Preventing template bloat

Each time you instantiate a template, the code in the template is generated anew (except for inline functions). If some of the functionality of a template does not depend on type, it can be put in a common base class to prevent needless reproduction of that code. For example, in Chapter XX in InheritStack.cpp inheritance was used to specify the types that a Stack could accept and produce. Here’s the templatized version of that code:

//: C19:Nobloat.h
// Templatized InheritStack.cpp
#ifndef NOBLOAT_H
#define NOBLOAT_H
#include "Stack4.h"

template<class T>
class NBStack : public Stack {
  void push(T* str) {
  T* peek() const {
    return (T*)Stack::peek();
  T* pop() {
    return (T*)Stack::pop();

// Defaults to heap objects & ownership:
template<class T>
NBStack<T>::~NBStack() {
  T* top = pop();
  while(top) {
    delete top;
    top = pop();
#endif // NOBLOAT_H ///:~

As before, the inline functions generate no code and are thus “free.” The functionality is provided by creating the base-class code only once. However, the ownership problem has been solved here by adding a destructor (which is type-dependent, and thus must be created by the template). Here, it defaults to ownership. Notice that when the base-class destructor is called, the stack will be empty so no duplicate releases will occur.

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