Dr. Leopold Zoller
Email: zoller(at)math(dot)uni-koeln.de
Office: 305
I am currently a postdoc at the University of Cologne. My research interests include: the topology of Lie group actions, related (algebraic) rank conjectures, rational homotopy theory (or more generally algebraic models for spaces), and the interplay between combinatorics and geometry via equivariant techniques. My favourite Lie group is the compact torus.
- (with O. Goertsches and P. Konstantis) On the Stiefel-Whitney classes of GKM manifolds, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 47 (2024), no. 2, 16-40, doi
Torus equivariant algebraic models and compact realization, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourier,
(with M. Amann) The Toral Rank Conjecture and variants of equivariant formality, J. Math. Pures Appl. 173 (2023), 43-95,
(with O. Goertsches and P. Konstantis) Realization of GKM Fibrations and new examples of Hamiltonian non-Kähler actions, Compositio Mathematica 159 (2023), no. 10, 2149-2190,
(with O. Goertsches) Reconstructing the orbit type stratification of a torus action from its equivariant cohomology, J. Algebr. Comb. 56 (2022), 799--822,
(with O. Goertsches, P. Konstantis) GKM manifolds are not rigid, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 22 (2022), no. 7,3511-3532,
New bounds on the toral rank with application to cohomologically symplectic spaces, Transformation Groups 25 (2020), 625-644,
(with O. Goertsches, P. Konstantis) Symplectic and Kähler structures on biquotients, J. Symplectic Geom. 18 (2020), no. 3, 791-813,
(with O. Goertsches, P. Konstantis) GKM theory and Hamiltonian non-Kähler actions in dimension 6, Adv. Math. 368 (2020), 107141,
(with O. Goertsches) Equivariant de Rham Cohomology: Theory and Applications, São Paulo J. Math. Sci. 13 (2019), 539-596,
- On integral Chang-Skjelbred computations with disconnected isotropy groups (2024), arxiv
- (With G. Placini, J. Stelzig) Nontrivial Massey products on compact Kähler manifolds (2024), arxiv
(with A. Milivojevic, J. Stelzig) Formality is preserved under domination (2023),
(with A. Milivojevic, J. Stelzig) Poincaré dualization and Massey products (2022),
(with O. Goertsches, P. Konstantis) The GKM correspondence in dimension 6, Preprint (2022),
- Winter semester 2024/25: I am the assistant for Analysis I
Summer semester 2024: I am teaching the topology course