Arbeitsgemeinschaft Komplexe Geometrie

Wintersemester 2020/2021
09.12.2020 Nikhil Savale
Tian-Ruan Theorem on semi-positive Line Bundles
02.12.2020 Nikhil Savale
Bergman Kernel Expansion on semi-positive Line Bundles II
25.11.2020 Nikhil Savale
Bergman Kernel Expansion on semi-positive Line Bundles I
18.11.2020 George Marinescu
Bergman Kernel Expansion on positive Line Bundles
13.11.2020 George Marinescu
L2-Estimates and the delbar-Operator
28.10.2020 George Marinescu
Singular Metrics II
21.10.2020 George Marinescu
Singular Metrics I

Sommersemester 2017
11.04.2017 Vivian Bui
Der Primzahlsatz

Wintersemester 2016/2017
16.03.2017 Karla Leipold
Die Sätze von Mittag-Leffler und Weierstrass
28.02.2017 Katrin Högele
Bloch-Funktionen und Picard-Sätze
16.02.2017 Burak Tas

Sommersemester 2016
29.07.2016 Safiye Karadag
Das Zweikörperproblem und die Keplerschen Gesetze
27.07.2016 Johannes Levermann
Pseudo-Differentialoperatoren und der Index von elliptischen Differentialoperatoren
28.06.2016 Huan Wang
On the growth of dimension of harmonic spaces of semipositive line bundles over manifolds
06.04.2016 Lea Scharrenbroich
Das Dirichlet-Problem

Sommersemester 2015
03.09.2015 Daniel Dercks
Die Satz von Mittag-Leffler
30.07.2015 Sergio Mehersad
Der Produktsatz von Weierstraß
26.06.2015 Patrick Müller
Der Satz von Mergelyan
21.06.2015 Viet-Anh Nguyen
Equidistribution speed for Fekete points associated with an ample line bundle
21.04.2015 Dr. Jianqing Yu
On the Witten Rigidity Theorem for Toeplitz operators, abstract
10.04.2015 Birte Jilek
Verteilung der Nullstellen von Zufallspolynomen

Wintersemester 2014/2015
22.02.2015 Prof. Zhou
Some recent progress on sharp L^2 extension theorem and multiplier ideal sheaves
10.02.2015 Dan Popovici (Toulouse)
Positivity and duality on compact complex manifolds
27.01.2015 Huan Wang
The Gamma-Dimension of a harmonic space on covering manifolds with semipositive line bundles
21.01.2015 George Marinescu
The Morse inequality
20.01.2015 Hendrik Hermann
Asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel in C^n
31.10.2014 Will Kirwin
Introduction to (Kähler) Toeplitz quantization
14.10.2014 Eldad Bettelheim (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Large N expansions of overlaps in the Bethe ansatz

Sommersemester 2014
30.07.2014 Hendrik Hermann
Introduction to Bergman kernel functions (in C^n)
29.07.2014 Stephan Gareis
L²-cohomology and coverings
24.06.2014 Chin-Yu Hsiao
On the singularities of the Szegö projections for lower energy forms
03.06.2014 Problem session
27.05.2014 Chin-Yu Hsiao
Szegö kernel asymptotics for high powers of CR line bundles and Kodaira embedding theorems on CR manifolds
20.05.2014 Stephan Gareis
Report on several seminar talks
22.04.2014 Xiaonan Ma
Lectures on the "Atiyah-Singer index theorem", part IV
15.04.2014 Xiaonan Ma
Lectures on the "Atiyah-Singer index theorem", part I
08.04.2014 Frank Lapp
Index theorems on manifolds with point singularities
Bo Liu
Rigidity Property and the eta invariant on fiber bundles

Wintersemester 2013/2014
11.03.2014 Robert Neiss
Weyl's law on bounded domains of R^n
04.03.2014 Semyon Klevtsov
Bosonisation formula and prime forms
14.01.2014 Raphael Ponge (Seoul)
Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula and holomorphic Morse Inequalities in CR geometry
17.12.2013 Xiaonan Ma (Paris)
Exponential Estimate for the asymptotics of Bergman kernels
29.10.2013 Stephan Gareis
Leray's theorem
22.10.2013 Huan Wang
Vanishig theorem of Le Potier, III
15.10.2013 Huan Wang
Vanishig theorem of Le Potier, II
17.09.2013 Huan Wang
Vanishig theorem of Le Potier, I

Sommersemester 2013
02.07.2013 Stephan Gareis
L^2 cohomology of covering manifolds
25.06.2013 Semyon Klevtsov
Topics on K-Stability
21.06.2013 Chin-Yu Hsiao
On the singularities of the Szego projection for (0,q) forms
18.06.2013 Semyon Klevtsov, William D. Kirwin
Geometric invariant Theory, II
11.06.2013 George Marinescu
Geometric invariant Theory, I
10.06.2013 Siye Wu
Index gerbes and differential K-theory
07.05.2013 George Marinescu
Introduction to the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture
19.04.2013 Wen Lu
Holomorphic Morse Inequalities and Bergman Kernels

Wintersemester 2012/2013
23.10.2012 George Marinescu
Asymptotic distribution of zeros
23.10.2012 Semyon Klevtsov
A closed formula for the asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel
30.10.2012 Wen Lu
A Thom-Smale-Complex on manifolds with boundary
30.10.2012 Hendrik Herrmann
Bergman kernel function in C^n, I
06.11.2012 Hendrik Herrmann
Bergman kernel function in C^n, II
06.11.2012 Stephan Gareis
Differential operator on coverings,I
13.11.2012 Stephan Gareis
Differential operator on coverings, II
08.01.2013 Huan Wang
The Calabi conjectures
29.01.2013 Hendrik Hermann
Bergman kernel function in C^n, III
13.02.2013 Hugues Auvray
Approximation of Kaehler-Einstein metrics with cone singularities, I
25.02.2013 Hugues Auvray
Approximation of Kaehler-Einstein metrics with cone singularities, II

Sommersemester 2012

04.04.2012 Wen Lu
Thom-Smale and Witten complexes I
11.04.2012 Wen Lu
Thom-Smale and Witten complexes II
25.04.2012 Stephan Gareis
Cohomology of the tangential CR complex and its link to Dolbeault cohomology of holomorphic line bundles on CP^n
09.05.2012 Matjaz Erat
Birkhoff-Grothendieck splitting theorem
16.05.2012 Chin-Yu Hsiao
Holomorphic Morse inequalities I
06.06.2012 Chin-Yu Hsiao
Holomorphic Morse inequalities II
13.06.2012 Chin-Yu Hsiao
Holomorphic Morse inequalities III
20.06.2012 Stephan Gareis
Holomorphic Morse inequalities for vector bundles

G. Marinescu, 20.11.2012