Niklas Mack - Bachelor thesis on non-lacunarity of meromorphic modular forms, 2024
Alexander Kühn - Master thesis on Fourier coefficients of modular forms of half-integral weight
Modular Forms II (WS 2024/25 - Modulformen II)
Tutoring, including preparation of the exercises
Elliptic Curves (SS 2024 - Elliptische Kurven)
Tutoring, including preparation of the exercises
Mathematics for Teachers I (WS 2023/24 - Mathematik für Lehramtsstudierende I)
Preparing exercises and supervising the tutors
Seminar on Asymptotic Expansions of Modular Forms (Seminar WS 2023/24 - Asymptotische Entwicklungen von Modulformen)
Introduction to Groups and Rings (WISB124 - Inleiding Groepen en Ringen)
Streaming of the lectures, including the possibility to ask live questions
Exercise classes and grading
Seminar Number Theory: Arithmetic Dynamics (WISM568)
Introduction to Groups and Rings (WISB124 - Inleiding Groepen en Ringen)
Streaming of the lectures, including the possibility to ask live questions
Exercise classes and grading
Seminar Number Theory: Expander Graphs (WISM559)
Communication in mathematics (WISB201 - Communicatie in de wiskunde)
Supervising a group of three Bachelor students writing a project on Ramanujan's congruences
Proofs in Mathematics (WISB102 - Bewijzen in de Wiskunde)
PhD research training (for honours masters students, with Gunther Cornelissen)
Seminar Number Theory: Applications of Modular Forms (WISM559)
Analysis (WISB114 - Analyse)
Exercise classes and grading
Introduction to probability theory and statistics (WISB161 - Inleiding kansrekening en statistiek)
Exercise classes and grading
Group theory (WISB221 - Groepentheorie)
Exercise classes and grading
PhD research training (for honours masters students, with Gunther Cornelissen)
Analysis (WISB114 - Analyse)
Exercise classes and grading
Linear algebra (WISB121 - Lineaire algebra)
Exercise classes and grading
Calculus (WISB132 - Infinitesimaalrekening A)
Exercise classes and grading
Master class for high school students on partitions and generating functions (Masterclass VWO - Partities and telfuncties)
Introduction to geometry (WISB141 - Inleiding Meetkunde)
Teaching assistant
Mathematical statistics (WISB263 - Statistiek)
Teaching assistant
Rings and Galois theory (WISB222 - Ringen en Galoistheorie)
Teaching assistant