- Vera Sausen
Phone 0221-470 6925,
email: vsausen at math
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
- Dr. Frank Lapp Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter 2014-2017
- Dr. Bo Liu Research
Assistant 2014-2015,
Professor at East China Normal University, Shanghai
Dr. Stephan Gareis PhD student between 2012-2015, awarded June 2015
Ood Shabtai
Research assistant in SFB TR 191 between 2022-2023
Dr. Viet Duc Vu Humboldt Fellow 2018-2021, Professor at the
University of Cologne
Dr. Huan Wang
PhD student between 2012-2016, awarded May 2016
Dominik Zielinski
PhD student between 2019-2023, awarded January 2024
B. Camus, Semiclassical spectral estimates for
Schröodinger operators at a critical energy level. Case of a
degenerate minimum
of the potential
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 341 (2008), No. 2, 1170-1180
C.-Y. Hsiao and G. Marinescu, Szegö kernel asymptotics and Morse inequalities on CR manifolds
Math. Z. 271 (2012), 509–553
T.-C. Dinh, V. Schmidt and G. Marinescu, Equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections in the non compact setting
J. Stat. Phys., 148 (2012), no. 1, 113-136
C.-Y. Hsiao, On the coefficients of the asymptotic expansion of the kernel of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization
Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom., 42 (2012), no. 2, 207-245
C.-Y. Hsiao and G. Marinescu, Asymptotics of spectral function of lower energy forms and Bergman kernel of
semi-positive and big line bundles
Comm. Anal. Geom. 22 (2014), No. 1, 1–108
Brian C. Hall and W. Kirwin, Complex structures adapted to magnetic flows
W. Kirwin, J. P. Nunes and J. M. Mourão, Complex time evolution in geometric quantization and generalized coherent state transforms
J. Func. Anal. 265 (2013), 1460-1493
C.-Y. Hsiao, Existence of CR sections for high power of semi-positive rigid Heisenberg line bundles over compact Heisenberg manifolds
W. Lu, Morse-–Bott inequalities in the presence of a compact Lie group action and applications
Differential Geometry and its Applications 32(2014), 68–87
W. Lu, A Thom-Smale-Witten theorem on manifolds with boundary
- C.-Y. Hsiao, The second coefficient of the asymptotic expansion of the weighted Bergman kernel for (0,q) forms on C^n
W. Kirwin, J. P. Nunes and J. M. Mourão,Coherent state transforms and the Mackey-Stone-Von Neumann theorem
W. Lu, The second coefficient of the asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel of the Hodge-Dolbeault operator
J. Geom. Anal. 25 (2015), 25-63
- C.-Y. Hsiao and P.-L. Yung, The tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex on the Heisenberg group via conformal invariance
- C.-Y. Hsiao and P.-L. Yung, Solving Kohn Laplacian on asymptotically flat pseudohermitian 3-manifolds
- S. Klevtsov, Random normal matrices, Bergman kernel and projective embeddings
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014:133
- A. Bilal, F. Ferrari, S. Klevtsov, 2D quantum gravity at one loop
with Liouville and Mabuchi actions
Nuclear Physics B, 880(2014), 203–224
- C.-Y. Hsiao, Szegö kernel asymptotics for high power of CR line bundles and Kodaira embedding theorems on CR manifolds
- S. Klevtsov, S. Zelditch, Stability and integration over Bergman metrics
C.-Y. Hsiao and G. Marinescu, On the singularities of the Szegö projections on lower energy forms
W. Kirwin, Quantizing the geodesic flow via adapted complex structures
- F. Ferrari, S. Klevtsov, FQHE on curved backgrounds, free fields and large N
W. Kirwin, J. P. Nunes and J. M. Mourão, Complex symplectomorphisms and pseudo-Kähler islands
in the quantization of toric manifolds
- S. Klevtsov, P. Wiegmann, Precise adiabatic transport and geometry of quantum Hall states
- S. Klevtsov, S. Zelditch, Heat kernel measures on random surfaces
- B. Liu, Fuctoriality of equivariant eta forms
- H. Wang, On the growth of von Neumann dimension of harmonic spaces of semipositive line bundles over covering manifolds
- S. Klevtsov, Xiaonan Ma, George Marinescu, Paul Wiegmann,
Quantum Hall effect, Quillen metric and holomorphic anomaly
- Hendrik Herrmann, Chin-Yu Hsiao, Xiaoshan Li,
Szegö kernel expansion and embedding of Sasakian manifolds