Professors' Areas of Specialization
Bringmann | Number Theory |
Drewitz | Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics |
Gassner | Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing |
Geiges | Symplectic Geometry and Contact Geometry, Differential Topology, Geometric Topology |
Jasso | Algebra, Representation Theory |
Klawonn | Numerical Mathematics and Scientifc Computing |
Kunoth | Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing |
Kunze | Dynamical Systems, Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics |
Marinescu | Geometrical Analysis |
Mörters | Probability Theory, Statistical Mechanics |
Sabatini | Symplectic Geometry, Algebraic Topology |
Schmidli | Stochastics, Actuarial Mathematics |
Schroll | Algebra, Geometry |
Vallentin | Optimization, geometry, and discrete mathematics |
Vu | Geometrical Analysis |
Zwegers | Number Theory |