Herbert Amann |
Time-delayed Perona Malik equations |
Michal Beneš |
Geometrical image segmentation by the Allen-Cahn equation |
Antonio Buades |
Relationship between the neighbourhood filters and PDEs |
Vicent Caselles |
Total variation based image denoising and restoration |
Antonin Chambolle |
Total variation minimization and snakes |
Daniel Cremers |
Statistical shape information in level set segmentation |
Gerhard Dziuk |
Surface finite elements for parabolic equations |
Charles M. Elliott |
Numerical solution of PDEs on implicit surfaces |
Selim Esedoglu |
Upper bounds on the
coarsening rate of a discrete, ill-posed,
nonlinear diffusion equation |
Robert McCann |
Second and fourth order diffusions from delocalized sources: focusing geometry and asymptotics |
Karol Mikula |
Finite volume methods in image processing |
Eugene Postnikov |
PDE approach to evaluation of the continuous wavelet transform and its applications |
Wolfgang Ring |
Newton level-set techniques for geometric optimization problems in image processing |
Martin Rumpf |
Joint methods in morphological image processing |
Joachim Weickert |
Integrodifferential equations for image denoising |