Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics
Collaborative Research Centre TRR 191
A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7
Algebra, Combinatorics & Optimization
C7: Algebras from Fukaya and Quantum Field Theories
Littelmann, Reineke, Schroll
This project lies at the interface of representation theory, symplectic geometry and mathematical physics. The main thrust of the project is based on the idea that instead of classifying associative algebras according to their representation type, they can be classified in geometric or physical terms in that they play an important role in geometry or mathematical physics or not. For example, an associative algebra either gives rise to an object in symplectic geometry such as a ((partially) wrapped) Fukaya category or not. The geometric or physical origin of those associative algebras that arise either in the context of symplectic geometry or which are at the origin of physical phenomena, opens a way to understand on the one hand the symplectic geometry or physics and on the other hand the representation theory of these algebras through an interplay of the geometric, physical and algebraic perspectives.
Prof. Peter Littelmann (PI)
mail: peter.littelmann at
phone: 0221 / 470 3715
room: 114
Mathematical Institute
University of Cologne
Prof. Markus Reineke (PI)
mail: markus.reineke at
phone: 0234/ 32 28241
room: IB 2/129
Faculty of Mathematics
Ruhr-University Bochum
Prof. Sibylle Schroll (PI)
mail: schroll at
phone: 0221 / 470 4345
room: 128
Mathematical Institute
University of Cologne
Maximilian Kaipel, M.Sc. (ds)
mail: mkaipel at
phone: 0221 / 470 1300
room: C103 (Gyrhofstr. 8a)
Mathematical Institute
University of Cologne
Impressum Institution of DFG, MI University of Cologne, FM Ruhr-University Bochum and MI University of Heidelberg