
Welcome to Homepage of the Algebra Group at Cologne!

The research focus of our group is mainly on the various aspects of representation theory both of algebraic groups and of algebras.

We are particularly interested in the connections of representation theory with other areas of mathematics and how the same representation theoretic object can often be studied with different methods from algebraic combinatorics,
algebraic geometry, differential geometry, number theory, operator theory, symplectic geometry and topology.


On the occasion of Peter Littelmann’s retirement there will be a 2-day workshop in Cologne on December 8th and 9th 2023 on Representation Theory. You will find all the necessary information here: https://sites.google.com/view/representationtheoryincologne/home

ARTIG 4 “4th Algebra and Representation Theory in Germany” in Aachen on June 14th-15th, 2024

Flashtalks in Representation Theory V, 10th January 2025 https://wiki.math.ntnu.no/flashtalks/2025


New: Annals of Representation Theory – new diamond open access journal launched in 2022. Prof Peter Littelmann is on the editorial board and Prof Sibylle Schroll is one of the Editors in Chief for the journal. https://art.centre-mersenne.org/

Dr. Lang Mou started on 1st March 2023 in Cologne on project C7 as part of SFB/TRR 191