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C.1 Data View Notations

C.1.1 Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)


The TCM convention for ERDs is described in detail in [18, chapters 7, 8].

Entity types


As usual, a named rectangle represents a named entity type.

Binary relationships


Binary relationships are presented by lines.

Cardinality constraints


Cardinality constraints are represented by annotations placed at the end points of these lines.

Figure C.1:  The placement of cardinality constraints.
\epsfig {figure=p/card.eps}

For example, in figure C.1, each business has an employment relationship to more than zero persons and each person has 0 or 1 employment relationships to a business. The end points of the line can also be annotated with the role that the entity at that end of the line plays in the relationship. Figure C.2 gives an example. 
Figure C.2:  The placement of role names.
\epsfig {figure=p/roles.eps}

Figure C.3:  The meaning of cardinality constraints.
\epsfig {figure=p/con.eps}

In general, a cardinality constraint is represented by a set of natural numbers (see figure 4.4 for the syntax). For example, if c is a set of natural numbers, the constraint in figure C.3 is that each instance of E1 is related to n instances of E2, where $n \in$ c [*]. If no constraint label is shown, the convention is that the constraint is the entire set of natural numbers, i.e. it is no constraint. For example, in figure C.3, each instance of E2 is related to any number instances of E1. This includes the case that it is related to 0 instances of E1.

Figure C.4:  The arrow representation of many-one constraints.
\epsfig {figure=p/arrow_er.eps}

There are various conventions for the placement of the cardinality constraints, all of which are a source of confusion. The choice made in TCM is motivated as follows. We use the convention that a cardinality constraint of 1 can be abbreviated by an arrowhead. So the two diagrams in figure C.4 are equivalent as far as their cardinality constraints are concerned. They both mean that each person is related to exactly 1 business and that each business is related to at least one person. This means that the relationship is a mathematical function from persons to businesses, which explains the arrow convention. To facilitate a smooth transformation between these two representations, the cardinality constraint labels must be placed where they now are.

Figure C.5:  The line representation of binary relationships is direction-independent.
\epsfig {figure=p/reverse.eps}

Note that the naming of the relationship usually must change when we switch to the arrow notation. In the line notation, there is no natural reading direction for the relationship name. For example, figure C.5 conveys the same information as figure C.1. In the arrow representation, by contrast, there is a natural reading direction and we adapt the relationship name accordingly. Often, the role name of the entity type at the arrowhead becomes the relationship name.

Figure C.6:  Different conventions for representing the same constraints. TCM supports the conventions used in the upper two diagrams.
\epsfig {figure=p/manyone.eps}

Figure C.7:  Different conventions for representing the same constraints. TCM supports the conventions used in the upper two diagrams.
\epsfig {figure=p/may.eps}

There are many other conventions to represent binary relationships. Figure C.6 shows different ways of representing the following constraints: Figure C.7 shows different ways of representing the following constraints:

Relationships of higher arity



Figure C.8:  The diamond representation for relationships.
\epsfig {figure=p/diam.eps}

A relationship is a Cartesian product of two or more entity types, called its components.[*]   Relationships of arity higher than 2 are represented by a diamond, connected by arrows to the boxes that represent its components. These arrows represent the projection functions of a Cartesian product on its components. Figure C.8 contains exactly the same information as figure C.1. Note the placement of the cardinality constraints, which is at the root of the arrow. This agrees with the placement convention of constraints on relationship lines. In fact, one can view the arrows in figure C.8 as binary relationships between EMPLOYMENT and its two components. The meaning is that each business is related to at least one employment instance (and hence to exactly one person), and that each person is related to exactly one employment instance (and hence to exactly one business). This agrees with the meaning of figure C.1.

Value types


Value types (often called ``data types'') are represented by ovals.



Entity attributes are represented by arrows from an entity type to an oval and relationship attributes are represented by arrows from a relationship diamond to an oval. This means that the TCM convention does not distinguish between ``ordinary'' relationships, which do not have attributes, and ``associative entity types'', which are relationships that can have attributes.

Is-a relationships


Figure C.9:  The representation of is-a relationships.
\epsfig {figure=p/isa.eps}

An is-a relationship is a binary relationship that is an inclusion function. For example, figure C.9 shows that each CAR instance is also a VEHICLE instance. Extensionally, the set of all possible cars is a subset of the set of all possible vehicles. Intensionally, the set of properties shared by all cars includes the set of properties shared by all vehicles. CAR is called a specialization of VEHICLE and VEHICLE is called a generalization of CAR.  

If there is more than one specialization of an entity type, then these must be grouped into specialization groups.  This is represented by connecting the rectangles representing the specializations to a small circle  called the taxonomy junction and connecting this with an is-a arrow to the rectangle representing the generalization. The taxonomy junction must be annotated as follows:

  A generalization can be specialized by any number of specialization groups. For example, figure 4.5 means the following:

C.1.2 Class-Relationship Diagrams (CRDs)




The CRD notation of TCM follows the convention that a class is represented by a rectangle subdivided into three areas, that contain, from top to bottom, the class name, the attributes, and the events that can occur in the life of the class instances. TCM can hide one or both of the event and attribute areas from view.  


Figure C.10:  The CRD representation of relationships.
\epsfig {figure=p/crd.eps}

Relationships are represented by rectangles just as classes are. They are connected to their components by means of dashed arrows. The meaning is exactly the same as in the ERD case. Figure C.10 has exactly the same information content as figures C.1C.5 and C.8. The line representation (figure C.1) is also allowed in the CRD convention. The advantage of the CRD convention over the diamond representation is that a rectangle allows easier placement of text inside the area. In addition, the CRD convention used in TCM allows representation of such complex structures as represented in figure C.11, which cannot be represented in the ERD convention.
Figure C.11:  The CRD convention can represent complex mathematical structures.
\epsfig {figure=p/complex.eps}

Figure C.11 represents the following structures. (To reduce clutter in the notation, we ignore the fact that relationships are actually labeled Cartesian products.)

Is-a relationships


Figure C.12:  Static specialization.
\epsfig {figure=p/static.eps}

The CRD convention for representing is-a relationships extends the ERD convention with constructs to represent static and dynamic specialization. A static specialization group is represented by a small closed circle, called a taxonomy junction, and a dynamic specialization group is represented by a dashed circle, called a mode junction (see figure 4.7).  In figure C.12, an instance of CAR will never become an instance of AIRPLANE and vice versa. An instance is a member of a specialization for life. By contrast, in figure 4.11, an instance of MARRIED PERSON may move to another of the subclasses of PERSON. Here, an instance is an instance of a specialization only for part of its life. We call these specialization mode classes.  For example, MARRIED PERSON is a mode class of PERSON, because a married person is a mode of a person. Details of static and dynamic specialization are given   elsewhere [19,20].

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Frank Dehne,Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam