Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
Summer School (May 15-19) Conference (May 22-26)Modular forms are omnipresent in mathematics. Recently they have even turned up in the study of black holes and string theory. Their presence usually indicates a deep underlying structure teeming with symmetry.
In the first week, there will be a school for advanced students which is immediately followed by a research conference in the second week. These activities will focus on the many facets of modular forms, especially those related to the work of Don Zagier, a giant in the theory of modular forms.
Universität Göttingen
All Souls College (Oxford)
Universiteit Utrecht
Université Bordeaux I
McGill University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Columbia University (New York)
Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne
Universität Frankfurt
Humboldt Universität Berlin
Some recordings of the conference talks are available on this site.
Organizers: Kathrin Bringmann, Stephan Ehlen,
Michael Griffin, Larry Rolen, Mike Woodbury
Some video recordings of the lectures are available on this site.
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics