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Computational Symplectic Topology

Scientific Programme

Invited Speakers and Titles of Talks

Mathieu Dutour Sikirić (Zagreb): Polyhedral computations and applications to topology
Marco Fenucci (Pisa): Systematic search for periodic orbits of the N-body problem with the symmetry of Platonic polyhedra
and numerical investigation of their stability
Davide Ferrario (Milano-Bicocca): Symmetries and periodic orbits for the N-body problem: a computational approach
Hansjörg Geiges (Köln): Introduction to the N-body problem
Giovanni F. Gronchi (Pisa): Variational methods to search for periodic orbits of the N-body problem with the symmetry of Platonic polyhedra
Jean Gutt (Köln): Knotted symplectic embeddings
Asaf Kislev (Tel Aviv): Hofer geometry on surfaces
Otto van Koert (Seoul): Proving the existence of periodic orbits and computing their Conley-Zehnder indices on a computer
Michael Jünger (Köln): Combinatorial Optimisation (from a pragmatic point of view)
Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv): Persistence modules in symplectic topology
Daniel Rosen (Tel Aviv): Introduction to Floer theory
Felix Schlenk (Neuchâtel): Explicit symplectic embeddings of balls into balls and cubes

Short presentations

Michael Jünger (Köln): Algorithmic Symplectic Packing (Software Demonstration)
Jungsoo Kang (Bochum): Symmetric periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem
Otto van Koert (Seoul): Shooting to find orbits
Vukasin Stojisavljevic (Tel Aviv): Persistence modules with operators
Shira Tanny (Tel Aviv): A Poisson bracket invariant on surfaces
Jun Zhang (Tel Aviv): Floer-Novikov barcode and its application


Slides of the talk by van Koert

Slides of the short presentation by van Koert

Slides of the talk by Polterovich

Design © 2005-2017 Jiří Horák, Photos courtesy of Dierk Lürbke
last changed: 20 March 2017