A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez. Cluster volumes for the Gaussian free field on metric graphs, preprint.
A. Drewitz, A. F. Ramírez, S. Saglietti, Z. Zheng. Large deviations at the origin of random walk in random environment, preprint.
A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez. Critical one-arm probability for the metric Gaussian free field in low dimensions, preprint.
A. Drewitz, B. Liu, G. Marinescu. Toeplitz operators and zeros of square-integrable random holomorphic sections, preprint.
C. Chalhoub, A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez Universality classes for percolation models with long-range correlations, preprint.
S. Athreya, A. Drewitz, R. Sun. An Invariance Principle for a Random Walk Among Moving Traps via Thermodynamic Formalism, preprint.
A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez. Arm exponent for the Gaussian free field on metric graphs in intermediate dimensions, preprint.
A. Drewitz, G. Gallo, P. Gracar. Lipschitz cutset for fractal graphs and applications to the spread of infections, to appear in Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques.
A. Drewitz, B. Liu, G. Marinescu. Gaussian holomorphic sections on noncompact complex manifolds, to appear in J. Inst. Math Jussieu.
J. Černý, A. Drewitz, P. Oswald. On the tightness of the maximum of branching Brownian motion in random environment, to appear in Ann. Probab.
A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez. Geometry of Gaussian free field sign clusters and random interlacements, to appear in Probab. Theory. Relat. Fields.
A. Drewitz, B. Liu, G. Marinescu. Large deviations for zeros of holomorphic sections on punctured Riemann surfaces, Mich. Math. J. Advance Publication, 1–41 (2023)
A. Drewitz, O. Elias, A. Prévost, J. Tykesson, F. Viklund. Percolation for two-dimensional excursion clouds and the discrete Gaussian free field, Electron. J. Probab., 29, 118, 1–54 (2024).
A. Drewitz, M. Heydenreich, C. Mailler. Voronoi cells in random split trees, Ann. Henri Lebesgue, 7, 123–159 (2024).
A. Drewitz, G. Gallo, A. Prévost. Generating Galton-Watson trees using random walks and percolation for the Gaussian free field, Ann. Appl. Probab., 34, no. 3, 2844–2884 (2024).
J. Černý, A. Drewitz, L. Schmitz. (Un-)bounded transition fronts for the parabolic Anderson model and the randomized F-KPP equation, Ann. Appl. Probab., 33, no. 3, 2342–2373 (2023).
A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez. Critical exponents for a percolation model on transient graphs, Invent. Math., 232, 229–299 (2023).
A. Drewitz, L. Schmitz. Invariance principles and Log-distance of F-KPP fronts in a random medium, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 246, no. 2–3, 877–955 (2022).
A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez. Cluster capacity functionals and isomorphism theorems for Gaussian free fields, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 183, 1–2, 255–313 (2022).
J. Černý, A. Drewitz. Quenched invariance principles for the maximal particle in branching random walk in random environment and the parabolic Anderson model, Ann. Probab., 48, 1, 94–146 (2020).
S. Athreya, A. Drewitz, R. Sun. Random walk among mobile/immobile traps: A short review, Sojourns in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics – III, 1–22, Springer Singapore (2019).
A. Drewitz, A. Prévost, P.-F. Rodriguez. The sign clusters of the massless Gaussian free field percolate on ℤd, d ≥ 3 (and more), Comm. Math. Phys., 362, 2, 513–546 (2018).
S. Athreya, A. Drewitz, R. Sun. Subdiffusivity of a random walk among a Poisson system of moving traps on ℤ, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom., 20, 1 (2017).
A. Drewitz, D. Erhard. Transience of the vacant set for near-critical Random Interlacements in high dimensions, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques. 52, no. 1, 84–101 (2016).
A. Drewitz, M. Scheutzow, M. Wilke Berenguer. Asymptotics for Lipschitz percolation above tilted planes, Electron. J. Probab. 20, no. 117, 1–23 (2015).
A. Drewitz, P.-F. Rodriguez. High-dimensional asymptotics for percolation of Gaussian free field level sets, Electron. J. Probab. 20, no. 47, 1–39 (2015).
A. Drewitz, B. Ráth, A. Sapozhnikov. An introduction to Random Interlacements (preliminary version), final version published at SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, ISBN 978-3-319-05852-8 (2014).
A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez. Selected topics in random walk in random environment, Topics in Percolative and Disordered Systems (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics), 69, 23–83 (2014).
A. Drewitz, B. Ráth, A. Sapozhnikov. On chemical distances and shape theorems in percolation models with long-range correlations, J. Math. Phys. 55, 8, 083307 (2014).
N. Berger, A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez. Effective polynomial ballisticity condition for random walk in random environment, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 67, 1947–1973 (2014).
A. Drewitz, B. Ráth, A. Sapozhnikov. Local percolative properties of the vacant set of random interlacements with small intensity, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré 50, 4, 1164–1197 (2014).
A. Drewitz, P. Sousi, R. Sun. Symmetric rearrangements around infinity with an application to Lévy processes, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 158, 3, 637–664 (2014).
D. Campos, A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez, F. Rassoul-Agha, T. Seppäläinen. Level 1 quenched large deviation principle for random walk in dynamic random environment, Special Issue of the Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (N.S.) — in honor of the 70th birthday of S.R.S. Varadhan, 8, 1, 1–29 (2013).
A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez. Quenched exit estimates and ballisticity conditions for higher-dimensional random walk in random environment, Ann. Probab. 40, 2, 459–534 (2012).
A. Drewitz, J. Gärtner, A.F. Ramírez, R. Sun. Survival probability of a random walk among a Poisson system of moving traps, Probability in Complex Physical Systems — in honor of Erwin Bolthausen and Jürgen Gärtner, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 11, 119–158 (2012).
A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez. Ballisticity conditions for random walk in random environment, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 150, 1–2, 61–75 (2011).
A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez. Asymptotic directions in random walk in random environment revisited, Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 24, 212–225 (2010).
A. Drewitz. Lyapunov exponents for the one-dimensional parabolic Anderson model with drift, Electron. J. Probab. 13, 2283–2336 (2008).
Last update: December, 2024