


  • Ideas for an Old Analytic Enigma about the Sphere that Fail in Intriguing Ways [pdf]
    Frederik von Heymann, August 2010 (updated November 2012), 13 pages.
    The code referred to in the paper is available here.

Technical Reports

  • Routing for analog chip designs at NXP Semiconductors [pdf]
    Marjan van den Akker, Theo Beelen, Rob H. Bisseling, Bas Fagginger Auer, Frederik von Heymann, Tobias Müller and Joost Rommes, January 2011, 17 pages.
  • Sets with Small Neighborhood in the Integer Lattice [pdf]
    Aaron Dall, Frederik von Heymann, and Birgit Vogtenhuber, April 2009, 19 pages.
  • The Last Delaunay Triangulation [pdf]
    Victor Alvarez, Frederik von Heymann, and Canek Pelaez, April 2009, 7 pages.


  • On Lattice Methods in Integer Optimization [pdf]
    Frederik von Heymann, PhD thesis, September 2013, 112 pages.
  • Einige Anwendungen des Satzes von Halpern und Läuchli [pdf]
    Frederik von Heymann, Diplom thesis (in german), August 2007, 56 pages.