Seminare und Vorträge im SS 2021
am Freitag, 16. April:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Bruce Berndt |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 30. April:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Scott Ahlgren |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 07. Mai:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Danylo Radchenko |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 14. Mai:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie George Andrews |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 21. Mai:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Jan Manschot |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 04. Juni:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Frank Garvan |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 11. Juni:
Oberseminar ZahlentheorieSameer MurthyMicrostates of supersymmetric black holes in AdS5 Abstract: The AdS/CFT correspondence predicts that the microstates of supersymmetric black holes in 5-dimensional Anti de Sitter space are quantum states of the dual 4-dimensional super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, which are captured by a certain integral over unitary matrices. I will present analytical and numerical analyses of this matrix integral which show that the asymptotic growth of states at large charge agrees with that of the dual black hole microstates. I will then show how a deformation of the matrix integral allows us to find large-N saddle-points and the resultant phase structure of SYM. There is an infinite family of large-N saddle points (phases) labelled by rational points, one of which is identified with the black hole. The deformation is closely related to the Bloch-Wigner elliptic dilogarithm, a function introduced by number theorists. |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 25. Juni:
Oberseminar ZahlentheorieRiad MasriEquidistribution of Fourier coefficients of weak Maass forms Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss joint work with Wei-Lun Tsai which shows that the normalized Fourier coefficients of a generic family of weak Maass forms of weight k and prime level p become quantitatively equidistributed on [-1,1] with respect to a natural probability measure as p approaches infinity. |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 02. Juli:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Stephen Kudla |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 09. Juli:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Jeremy Lovejoy |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |
am Freitag, 16. Juli:
Oberseminar Zahlentheorie Ken Ono |
16:00 | Online in ZOOM |