Exercise Classes
Thursday 12-13:30 (German), Friday 10-11:30 (English),
Raum 5.08, Informatik
- Because of changes in the class material Exercise 9.4 is no longer relevant and will be considered optional.
- There will be 12 exercise sheets in total.
Office Hour
Tuesday 13:00-14:00, Weyertal 80, 3rd floor on the left
(electronic) Distribution of the Exercise Sheets
Tuesday after the lecture.
Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 |
Sheet 4 | Sheet 5 | Sheet 6 |
Sheet 7 | Sheet 8 | Sheet 9 |
Sheet 10 | Sheet 11 | Sheet 12 |
Remarks on Exercises
- No hand-in, instead:
- For 3 of the 4 questions each week you have to able to present a solution (or a reasonable approach) and lead the discussion on this question in class.
- Mark the questions you worked on in the form below, until Thursday (the week after the hand-out) at 10:00.
- You can miss up to 3 sheets in total.
- Active participation in class is expected. In the course of the semester you have to present several times.
Exam Preparation
Sample questions for the exam (with Chapters V and VI)