
  1. Harmonic Maass forms and mock modular forms: theory and applications (with A. Folsom, K. Ono, and L. Rolen)
    AMS Colloquium Series (2017).

Selected research papers and preprints

  1. Sign changes of Fourier coefficients for holomorphic eta-quotients (with G. Han, B. Heim and B. Kane)
    submitted for publication.
  2. Traces of partition Eisenstein series and almost holomorphic modular forms (with B. Pandey)
    submitted for publication.
  3. Precision Asymptotics for Partitions Featuring False-Indefinite Theta Functions (with W. Craig and C. Nazaroglu)
    submitted for publication.
  4. Periodic sign changes for weakly holomorphic η-quotients (with G. Han, B. Heim and B. Kane)
    submitted for publication.
  5. On a sign-change conjecture of Schlosser and Zhou (with B. Heim and B. Kane)
    submitted for publication.
  6. Limiting behaviour and modular completions of MacMahon-like q-series (with W. Craig, J.-W. van Ittersum and B. Pandey)
    submitted for publication.
  7. On the Asymptotic Behavior for Partitions Separated by Parity (with W. Craig and C. Nazaroglu)
    submitted for publication.
  8. Quasi-Jacobi forms, Appell–Lerch functions, and false theta functions as $q$-brackets of functions on partitions (with J.-W. van Ittersum and J. Kaszian)
    submitted for publication.
  9. Odd unimodal sequences (with J. Lovejoy)
    submitted for publication.
  10. The mass of shifted lattices and class numbers of inhomogeneous quadratic polynomials (with Z. He and B. Kane)
    submitted for publication.
  11. Hecke eigenforms for meromorphic cusp forms (with M. Mertens and B. Kane)
    submitted for publication.
  12. Asymptotics of parity biases for partitions into distinct parts via Nahm sums (with S. Man, L. Rolen, and M. Storzer)
    submitted for publication.
  13. Modularity of counting functions of convex planar polygons with rationality conditions (with J. Kaszian and J. Zhou)
    submitted for publication.
  14. Unimodality of ranks and a proof of Stanton's conjecture (with G. Man and L. Rolen)
    submitted for publication.
  15. A modular framework of functions of Knopp and indefinite binary quadratic forms (with A. Mono)
    submitted for publication.
  16. Representations of integers as sums of four polygonal numbers and partial theta functions (with M. Jang and B. Kane)
    submitted for publication.
  17. Asymptotics for $d$-fold partition diamonds and related infinite products (with W. Craig and J. Males)
    Michigan Mathematical Journal, accepted for publication
  18. Asymptotics of commuting $l$-tuples in symmetric groups and log-concavity (with J. Franke and B. Heim)
    Research in Number Theory 10 (2024)
  19. Odd moments for the trace of Frobenius and the Sato–Tate conjecture in arithmetic progressions (with B. Kane and S. Pujahari)
    Finite Fields and Their Applications 98 (2024)
  20. On the number of irreducible representations of $\mathfrak{su}(3)$ (with W. Bridges and J. Franke)
    Acta Arithmetica 215 (2024), 65-71
  21. Generalized $L$-functions related to the Riemann zeta function (with B. Kane and S. Varadharajan)
    Int. J. Number Theory, accepted for publication.
  22. Biases among classes of rank-crank partitions $(\text{mod } 11)$ (with B. Pandey)
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 536 (2024)
  23. Asymptotic expansions for partitions generated by infinite products (with W. Bridges, B. Brindle, and J. Franke)
    Mathematische Annalen 390 (2024), 2593–2632
  24. A Rademacher-type exact formula for partitions without sequences (with W. Bridges)
    The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 75, 1 (2024), 197–217.
  25. Log-concavity for unimodal sequences (with W. Bridges)
    Research in Number Theory 10, 6 (2024).
  26. Formulas for moments of class numbers in arithmetic progressions (with B. Kane and S. Pujahari)
    Acta Arithmetica 207 (2023), 19-38
  27. An asymptotic formula for the number of $n$-dimensional representations of $\operatorname{SU}(3)$ (with J. Franke)
    Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 39 (2023), no. 5, 1599–1640.
  28. Taylor coefficients of false Jacobi forms and ranks of unimodal sequences (with W. Bridges)
    Advances in Mathematics 426 (2023), 109074.
  29. Higher depth false modular forms (with J. Kaszian, A. Milas, and C. Nazaroglu)
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (2023), 2250043.
  30. Quantum modular forms from real-quadratic double sums (with C. Nazaroglu)
    The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 74:3 (2023)
  31. Graph Schemes, Graph Series, and Modularity (with C. Jennings-Shaffer and A. Milas)
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 197 (2023), 105749.
  32. Infinite families of crank functions, Stanton-type conjectures, and unimodality (with K. Gomez, L. Rolen, and Z. Tripp)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 9:3 (2022), 37.
  33. The degenerate parts of spaces of meromorphic cusp forms under a regularized inner product (with B. Kane)
    Advances in Mathematics 402 (2022), 108336.
  34. Rigidity of elliptic genera: From number theory to geometry and back (with A. Caviedes Castro, S. Sabatini, and M. Schwagenscheidt)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2022 (2022), pages 17475–17533.
  35. Statistics for Unimodal Sequences (with W. Bridges)
    Advances in Mathematics 401 (2022), doi: 10.1016/j.aim.2022.108288.
  36. Conjectures of Sun about sums of polygonal numbers (with B. Kane)
    La Matematica (2022), doi: 10.1007/s44007-022-00030-1.
  37. Generalized L-functions for meromorphic modular forms and their relation to the Riemann zeta function (with B. Kane)
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2022), doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2022.126623.
  38. Class numbers and representations by ternary quadratic forms with congruence conditions (with B. Kane)
    Mathematics of Computation , 91 (2022), 295-329.
  39. Distributions on partitions arising from Hilbert schemes and Hook lengths (with W. Craig, J. Males, and K. Ono)
    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 10 E49 (2022), doi: 10.1017/fms.2022.45, 1-30.
  40. Fractional partitions and conjectures of Chern­­­­­­­­­­­­–Fu–Tang and Heim–Neuhauser (with B. Kane, L. Rolen, and Z. Tripp)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B, 8 (2021), pages 615-634.
  41. Integral representations of rank two false theta functions and their modularity properties (with J. Kaszian, A. Milas, and C. Nazaroglu)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 8:54 (2021), doi: 10.1007/s40687-021-00284-1 .
  42. Massive deformations of Maass forms and Jacobi forms (with M. Berg and T. Gannon)
    Communications in Number Theory and Physics 15:3 (2021), 575-603.
  43. On t-core and self-conjugate (2t-1)-core partitions in arithmetic progressions (with B. Kane and J. Males)
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 183 (2021), 105479.
  44. On a Tauberian theorem of Ingham and Euler-Maclaurin summation (with C. Jennings-Shaffer and K. Mahlburg)
    The Ramanujan Journal (2021),
  45. The asymptotic distribution of the rank for unimodal sequences (with C. Jennings-Shaffer and K. Mahlburg)
    Journal of Number Theory (2020), doi: 10.1016/j.jnt.2020.11.016.
  46. Generating functions of planar polygons from homological mirror symmetry of elliptic curves (with J. Kaszian and J. Zhou)
    Research in Number Theory 6:28 (2020).
  47. Rank two false theta functions and Jacobi forms of negative definite matrix index (with J. Kaszian, A. Milas and S. Zwegers)
    Advances in Applied Mathematics 112 (2020), 101946.
  48. Higher depth quantum modular forms and plumbed 3-manifolds (with K. Mahlburg and A. Milas)
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 110(10) (2020), 2675-2702.
  49. On the modular completion of certain generating functions (with S. Ehlen and M. Schwagenscheidt)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2021:8 (2020), 6331-6372.
  50. Cycle integrals of meromorphic modular forms and coefficients of harmonic Maass forms (with C. Alfes-Neumann, J. Males and M. Schwagenscheidt)
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2020), 124898.
  51. An extension of Rohrlich's Theorem to the $j$-function (with B. Kane)
    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 8, 1-33.
  52. Ramanujan-like formulas for Fourier coefficients of all meromorphic cusp forms (with B. Kane)
    Advances in Mathematics, 373 (2020), 107308.
  53. Some q-series identities extending work of Andrews, Crippa, and Simon on sums of divisors functions (with C. Jennings-Shaffer)
    Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020), 112019.
  54. Quantum modular forms and plumbing graphs of 3-manifolds (with K. Mahlburg and A. Milas)
    Journal of Combinatorical Theory, Series A 170 (2020), 105145.
  55. On the rationality of cycle integrals of meromorphic modular forms (with C. Alfes-Neumann and M. Schwagenscheidt)
    Mathematische Annalen 376 (2020), pages 243-266.
  56. Proofs and reductions of various conjectured partition identities of Kanade and Russell (with C. Jennings-Shaffer and K. Mahlburg)
    Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal) 766 (2020), pages 109-135.
  57. Zhu reduction for Jacobi n-point functions and applications (with M. Krauel and M. Tuite)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373 (2020), pages 3261-3293.
  58. A Note on Andrews’ Partitions with Parts Separated by Parity (with C. Jennings-Shaffer)
    Annals of Combinatorics 23 (2019), pages 573-578.
  59. A framework for modular properties of false theta functions (with C. Nazaroglu)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 6:30 (2019).
  60. Unimodal sequence generating functions arising from partition ranks (with C. Jennings-Shaffer)
    Research in Number Theory 5:25 (2019).
  61. Peak positions of strongly unimodal sequences (with C. Jennings-Shaffer, K. Mahlburg and R. Rhoades)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372 (2019), pages 7087-7109.
  62. An exact formula for $U (3)$ Vafa-Witten invariants on $\mathbb{P}^2$ (with C. Nazaroglu)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372 (2019), pages 6135-6159.
  63. Vector-valued higher depth quantum modular forms and higher Mordell integrals (with J. Kaszian and A. Milas)
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 480 (2019), 123397.
  64. On characters of $L_{\frak{sl}_n}(-\Lambda_0)$-modules (with K. Mahlburg and A. Milas)
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (2019), 1950030.
  65. Differential operators on polar harmonic Maass forms and elliptic duality (with B. Kane and P. Jenkins)
    Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 70 (2019), pages 1181-1207.
  66. Higher depth quantum modular forms, multiple Eichler integrals, and $\mathfrak{sl}_3$ false theta functions (with J. Kaszian and A. Milas)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 6:20 (2019).
  67. Regularized inner products of meromorphic modular forms and higher Green's Functions (with B. Kane and A. von Pippich)
    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 21 (2019), 1850029.
  68. Sums of class numbers and mixed mock modular forms (with B. Kane)
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 162 (2019), pages 321-333.
  69. Taylor coefficients of non-holomorphic Jacobi forms and applications
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 5:15 (2018).
  70. Regularized inner products and weakly holomorphic Hecke eigenforms (with B. Kane)
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (2018), 044001.
  71. Indefinite theta functions arising in Gromov-Witten Theory of elliptic orbifolds (with J. Kaszian and L. Rolen)
    Cambridge Journal of Mathematics 6 (2018), pages 25-57.
  72. On a modularity conjecture of Andrews, Dixit, Schultz, and Yee for a variation of Ramamunjan's $\omega(q)$ (with C. Jennings-Shaffer and K. Mahlburg)
    Advances in Mathematics 325 (2018), pages 505-532.
  73. A classification of harmonic Maass forms (with S. Kudla)
    Mathematische Annalen 370 (2018), pages 1729-1758.
  74. On Divisors of Modular Forms (with B. Kane, S. Löbrich, K. Ono, and L. Rolen)
    Advances in Mathematics 329 (2018), pages 541-554.
  75. On some special families of $q$-hypergeometric Maass forms (with J. Lovejoy and L. Rolen)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2018 (2018), pages 5537-5561.
  76. The Lusztig-Macdonald-Wall conjectures and $q$-difference equations (with K. Mahlburg and A. Milas)
    Contemporary Mathematics 695, Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Related Topics (2017), pages 41–49.
  77. Asymptotic behavior of partial and false theta functions arising from Jacobi forms and regularized characters (with A. Folsom and A. Milas)
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (2017), 011702.
  78. Improved bounds for Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 451 (2017), pages 1123-1132.
  79. Regularized inner products and errors of modularity (with N. Diamantis and S. Ehlen)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2017 (2017), pages 7420-7458.
  80. $W$-algebras, higher rank false theta functions and quantum dimensions (with A. Milas)
    Selecta Mathematica 23 (2017), pages 1249-1278.
  81. On the Andrews-Zagier asymptotics for partitions without sequences (with B. Kane, D. Parry and R. Rhoades)
    Advances in Mathematics 309 (2017), pages 436-451.
  82. Kac Wakimoto characters and non-holomorphic Jacobi forms (with R. Olivetto)
    Transaction of the American Mathematical Society 369 (2017), pages 1163-1184.
  83. Ramanujan and coefficients of meromorphic modular forms (with B. Kane)
    Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 107 (2017), pages 100-122.
  84. Tropical mirror symmetry for elliptic curves (with J. Boehm, A. Buchholz, and H. Markwig)
    Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 732 (2017), pages 211-246.
  85. Almost holomorphic Poincare series corresponding to products of harmonic Siegel-Maass forms (with O. Richter and M. Westerholt-Raum)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 3:30 (2016).
  86. Identities for generalized Appell functions and the blow-up formula (with J. Manschot and L. Rolen)
    Letters in Mathematical Physics (2016), pages 1-17.
  87. A problem of Petersson about weight $0$ meromorphic modular forms (with B. Kane)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 3:24 (2016), pages 1-31.
  88. On the Fourier coefficients of negative index meromorphic Jacobi forms (with L. Rolen and S. Zwegers)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 3 (2016), pages 1-9.
  89. On the asymptotic behavior of unimodal rank generating functions (with B. Kim)
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 435 (2016), pages 627-645.
  90. $p$-adic properties of modular shifted convolution Dirichlet series (with M. Mertens and K. Ono)
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016), pages 1439-1451.
  91. Modular local polynomials (with B. Kane)
    Mathematical Research Letters 23 (2016), pages 973-987.
  92. On Dyson's crank conjecture and the uniform asymptotic behavior of certain inverse theta functions (with J. Dousse)
    Transaction of the American Mathematical Society 368 (2016), pages 3141-3155.
  93. A partition identity and the universal mock theta function $g_2(x;q)$ (with J. Lovejoy and K. Mahlburg)
    Mathematical Research Letters 23 (2016), pages 67-80.
  94. Half-integral weight p-adic coupling of weakly holomorphic and holomorphic modular forms (with P. Guerzhoy and B. Kane)
    Research in Number Theory 1:26 (2015), pages 1-13.
  95. On the modularity of certain functions from Gromov-Witten theory of elliptic orbifolds (with L. Rolen and S. Zwegers)
    Royal Society Open Science 2 (2015).
  96. Overpartitions with restricted odd differences (with J. Dousse, J. Lovejoy, and K. Mahlburg)
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2015).
  97. Distinct parts partitions without sequences (with K. Mahlburg and K. Nataraj)
    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2015).
  98. On the Fourier expansion of Bloch-Okounkov n-point function (with A. Milas)
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 36 (2015), pages 201-219.
  99. Maass-Jacobi Poincare series and Mathieu moonshine (with J. Duncan and L. Rolen)
    Advances in Mathematics 281 (2015), pages 248-278.
  100. Radial limits of mock theta functions (with L. Rolen)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 2:17 (2015).
  101. W-algebras, false theta functions, and quantum modular forms, I (with A. Milas)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 21 (2015), pages 11351-11387.
  102. Double series representations for Schur's partition function and related identities (with G. Andrews and K. Mahlburg)
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 132 (2015), pages 102-119.
  103. On cycle integrals of weakly holomorphic modular forms (with P. Guerzhoy and B. Kane)
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 158 (2015), pages 439-449.
  104. False theta functions and companions to Caparelli's identities (with K. Mahlburg)
    Advances in Mathematics 278 (2015), pages 121-136.
  105. Unimodal sequences and strange functions: a family of quantum modular forms (with A. Folsom and R. Rhoades)
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics 274 (2015), pages 1-25.
  106. Harmonic Maass-Jacobi forms with singularities and a theta-like decomposition (with M. Raum and O. Richter)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), pages 6647-6670.
  107. Locally harmonic Maass forms and the kernel of the Shintani lift (with B. Kane and W. Kohnen)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 1 (2015), pages 3185-3224.
  108. Negative index Jacobi forms and quantum modular forms (with T. Creutzig and L. Rolen)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1:11 (2014).
  109. Asymptotics for the number of row Fishburn matrices (with Y. Li and R. Rhoades)
    European Journal of Combinatorics 41 (2014), pages 183-196.
  110. Asymptotic formulas for stacks and unimodal sequences (with K. Mahlburg)
    Journal of Combinatorial Series A 126 (2014), pages 194-215.
  111. Shintani lifts and fractional derivatives of harmonic weak Maass forms (with P. Guerzhoy and B. Kane)
    Advances in Mathematics 255 (2014), pages 641-671.
  112. Graded dimensions of principal subspaces and modular Andrews-Gordon series (with C. Calinescu, A. Folsom, and S. Kimport)
    Communications on Contemporary mathematics 16 (2014), 1350050.
  113. On a completed generating function of locally harmonic Maass forms (with B. Kane and S. Zwegers)
    Compositio Mathematica 150 (2014), pages 749-762.
  114. Asymptotic inequalities for positive crank and rank moments (with K. Mahlburg)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 366 (2014), pages 1073-1094.
  115. Special $L$-values and periods of weakly holomorphic modular forms (with K. Fricke and Z. Kent)
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142 (2014), pages 3425-3439.
  116. Almost harmonic Maass forms and Kac-Wakimoto characters (with A. Folsom)
    Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 694 (2014), pages 179-202.
  117. Taylor coefficients of Mock-Jacobi forms and moments of partition statistics (with K. Mahlburg and R. Rhoades)
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 157 (2014), pages 231-251.
  118. Asymptotic formulas for coefficients of inverse theta functions (with J. Manschot)
    Communications in Number Theory and Physics 7 (2013), pages 497-513.
  119. On the positivity of black hole degeneracies in string theory (with S. Murthy)
    Communications in Number Theory and Physics 7 (2013), pages 15-56.
  120. Theta lifts and local Maass forms (with B. Kane and M. Viazovska)
    Mathematical Research Letters 20 (2013), pages 213-234.
  121. $k$-run overpartitions and mock theta function (with A. Holroyd, K. Mahlburg, and M. Vlasenko)
    The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 64 (2013), pages 1009-1021.
  122. On a conjecture of B. Berndt and B. Kim (with A. Folsom)
    Ramanujan Journal 32 (2013), pages 1-4.
  123. Mock period functions, sesquiharmonic Maass forms, and non-critical values of $L$-functions (with N. Diamantis and M. Raum)
    Advances in Mathematics 233 (2013), pages 115-134.
  124. Convolution bootstrap percolation models, Markov-type stochastic processes, and mock theta functions (with K. Mahlburg and A. Mellit)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2013 (2013), pages 971-1013.
  125. Asymptotic formulas for coefficients of Kac-Wakimoto characters (with K. Mahlburg)
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 155 (2013), pages 51-72.
  126. On the asymptotic behavior of Kac-Wakimoto characters (with A. Folsom)
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 141 (2013), pages 1567-1576.
  127. Eichler-Shimura theory for mock modular forms (with P. Guerzhoy, Z. Kent, and K. Ono)
    Mathematische Annalen 355 (2013), pages 1085-1121.
  128. From sheaves on $P^2$ to generalizations of the Rademacher expansion (with J. Manschot)
    American Journal of Mathematics 135 (2013), pages 1039-1065.
  129. Kohnen's limit process for real-analytic Siegel modular forms (with M. Raum and O. Richter)
    Advances in Mathematics 231 (2012), pages 1100-1118.
  130. Inequalities for full rank differences of $2$-marked Durfee symbols (with B. Kane)
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 119 (2012), pages 483-501.
  131. Mock modular forms as $p$-adic modular forms (with B. Kane and P. Guerzhoy)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 364 (2012), pages 2393-2410.
  132. Improved bounds on metastability thresholds and probabilities for generalized bootstrap percolation (with K. Mahlburg)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 364 (2012), pages 3829-3859.
  133. Jacobi forms over complex quadratic fields via the cubic Casimir operator (with C. Conley and O. Richter)
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 87 (2012), pages 825-859.
  134. $l$-adic properties of smallest parts functions (with S. Ahlgren and J. Lovejoy)
    Advances in Mathematics 228 (2011), pages 629-645.
  135. Automorphic properties of generating functions for generalized odd rank moments and odd Durfee symbols (with C. Alfes and J. Lovejoy)
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 151 (2011), pages 385-406.
  136. Exact formulas for coefficients of Jacobi forms (with O. Richter)
    International Journal of Number Theory 7 (2011), pages 825-833.
  137. Asymptotics for rank and crank moments (with K. Mahlburg and R. Rhoades)
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 43 (2011), pages 661-672.
  138. Multiplicative $q$-hypergeometric series arising from real quadratic fields (with B. Kane)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 363 (2011), pages 2191-2209.
  139. An extension of the Hardy-Ramanujan Circle Method and applications to partitions without sequences (with K. Mahlburg)
    American Journal of Mathematics 133 (2011), pages 1151-1178.
  140. Zagier-type dualities and lifting maps for harmonic Maass-Jacobi forms (with O. Richter)
    Advances in Mathematics 225 (2010), pages 2298-2315.
  141. Inequalities for differences of Dyson´s rank for all odd moduli (with B. Kane)
    Mathematical Research Letters 17 (2010), pages 927-942.
  142. Rank-crank type PDE's and non-holomorphic Jacobi forms (with S. Zwegers)
    Mathematical Research Letters 17 (2010), pages 589-600.
  143. Automorphic properties of generating functions for generalized rank moments and Durfee symbols (with J. Lovejoy and R. Osburn)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2010 (2010), pages 238-260.
  144. Dyson's ranks and Maass forms (with K. Ono)
    Annals of Mathematics 171 (2010), pages 419-449.
  145. Some characters of Kac and Wakimoto and nonholomorphic modular functions (with K. Ono)
    Mathematische Annalen 345 (2009), pages 547- 558.
  146. Inequalities between crank and rank moments (with K. Mahlburg)
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 137 (2009), pages 2567-2574.
  147. $q$-series and weight $3/2$ Maass forms (with A. Folsom and K. Ono)
    Compositio Mathematica 145 (2009), pages 541- 552.
  148. Rank and crank moment for overpartitions (with J. Lovejoy and R. Osburn)
    Journal of Number Theory 129 (2009), pages 2567-2574.
  149. Partition statistics and quasiharmonic Maass forms (with F. Garvan and K. Mahlburg)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2009 (2009), pages 63-97.
  150. Overpartitions and class numbers of binary quadratic forms (with J. Lovejoy)
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (2009), pages 5513-5516.
  151. Arithmetic properties of non-harmonic weak Maass forms (with D. Penniston)
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 137 (2009), pages 825-833.
  152. On certain congruences for Dyson's ranks
    International Journal of Number Theory 5 (2009), pages 573-584.
  153. Asymptotics for rank partition functions
    Transactions of the Amererican Mathematical Society 361 (2009), pages 3483-3500.
  154. A Converse Theorem for Hilbert-Jacobi forms (with S. Hayashida)
    The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 39 (2009), pages 423-435.
  155. On the explicit construction of higher deformations of partition statistics
    Duke Mathematical Journal 144 (2008), pages 195-233.
  156. Eulerian series as modular forms (with K. Ono and R. Rhoades)
    Journal of the American Mathematical Society 21 (2008), pages 1085-1104.
  157. Rank and congruence for overpartition pairs (with J. Lovejoy)
    International Journal of Number Theory 4 (2008), pages 303-322.
  158. Dyson's rank, overpartitions, and weak Maass forms (with J. Lovejoy)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2007 (2007).
  159. Ramanujan type congruences and Jacobi forms (with B. Heim)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2007 (2007).
  160. Lifting elliptic cusp forms to Maass forms with an application to partitions (with K. Ono)
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (2007), pages 3725-3731.
  161. On Jacobi Poincare series of small weight (with T. Yang)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2007 (2007).
  162. On a conjecture of Koike on identities between Thompson series and Roger-Ramanujan function (with H. Swisher) Corrigendum
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 135 (2007), pages 2317-2326.
  163. Maass-Jacobi forms over complex quadratic fields (with O. Richter and C. Conley)
    Mathematical Research Letters 14 (2007), pages 137-156.
  164. An arithmetic formula for the partition function (with K. Ono)
    Proceedings of American Mathematical Society 135 (2007), pages 3507-3514.
  165. Arithmetic properties of coefficients of half-integral weight Maass-Poincaré series (with K.Ono)
    Mathematische Annalen 337 (2007), pages 591-612.
  166. The $f(q)$ mock theta function conjecture and partition ranks (with K. Ono)
    Inventiones Mathematicae 165 (2006), pages 243-266.
  167. On the boundary behaviour of automorphic forms (with B. Kane, and W. Kohnen)
    International Journal of Number Theory 2 (2006), pages 187-194.
  168. Lifting maps from a Vector Space of Jacobi cusp forms to a subspace of elliptic modular forms
    Mathematische Zeitschrift 253 (2006), pages 735-752.
  169. Estimates of Fourier coefficients of Siegel cusp forms for subgroups and in the case of small weight
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society 73 (2006), pages 31-47.
  170. Asymptotic Formulas for some restricted partition functions
    Ramanujan Journal 12 (2006), pages 257-266.
  171. Traces of singular moduli on Hilbert modular surfaces (with K. Ono and J. Rouse)
    International Mathematics Research Notices 47 (2005), pages 2891-2912.
  172. Identities for traces of singular moduli (with K. Ono)
    Acta Arithmetica 119 (2005), pages 317-327.

Conference proceedings and expository papers

  1. Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as q-brackets of weighted t-hook functions on partitions (with K. Ono and I. Wagner)
    Ramanujan Journal (2021), pages 1-15.
  2. The false theta functions of Rodgers and their modularity
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 53:4 (2021), pages 963-980.
  3. Some examples of higher depth vector-valued quantum modular forms (with J. Kaszian and A. Milas)
    Proceedings of the Ropar Conference Number theory: Arithmetic, Diophantine and Transcendence, 2017.
  4. Number theoretic generalization of the monster denominator formula (with B. Kane, S. Löbrich, K. Ono and L. Rolen)
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (2017), 473001.
  5. Images of Maass-Poincaré series in the lower half-plane (with N. Andersen and L. Rolen)
    Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences 10 (2017), pages 9-23.
  6. Quantum Jacobi forms and finite evaluations of unimodal rank generating functions (with A. Folsom)
    Archiv der Mathematic 107, special volume for E. Gekeler (2016), pages 367-378.
  7. Polar harmonic Maass forms and their applications (with B. Kane)
    Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 86 (2016), pages 213-233.
  8. Half-integral weight Eichler integrals and quantum modular forms (with L. Rolen)
    Journal of Number Theory 161, special volume in honour of Winnie Li (2016), pages 240-254.
  9. Quasimodular forms and sℓ(m|m)^ characters (with A. Folsom and K. Mahlburg) Corrigendum
    Ramanujan Journal 36, special volume in honor of Basil Gordon (2015), pages 103-116.
  10. Duality and differential operators for harmonic Maass forms (with B. Kane and R. Rhoades)
    Developments in Mathematics 28, special volume in honour of Ehrenpreis (2013), pages 85-106.
  11. Second order cusp forms and mixed mock modular forms (with B. Kane)
    Ramanujan Journal 31, special volume in honour of Ismail and Stanton (2013), pages 147-161.
  12. Partial theta functions and mock modular forms as $q$-hypergeometric series (with A. Folsom and R. Rhoades)
    Ramanujan Journal 29, special volume for Ramanujan's 125 birthday (2012), pages 295-310.
  13. On $q$-difference equations for partitions without $k$-sequences (with J. Lovejoy and K. Mahlburg)
    The legacy of Ramanujan 20, Ramanujan Mathematical Society (2012), pages 129-137.
  14. On the modularity of the inified WRT invariants of certain Seifert manifold (with K. Hikami and J. Lovejoy)
    Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 46, special volume in honour of D. Stanton (2011), pages 86-93.
  15. New identities involving sums of tails related to real quadratic fields (with B. Kane)
    Ramanujan Journal 23, special volume in Celebration of Andrews 70th birthday (2010), pages 243-251.
  16. Coefficients of harmonic Maass forms (with K. Ono)
    Proceedings of the 2008 University of Florida Conference on Partitions, $q$-series, and modular forms (2008).
  17. Mock theta functions, weak Maass forms, and applications
    Modular forms, Conference proceedings of the Conference in Schiermonnikoog (2006).
  18. On Fourier coefficients of Siegel cusp forms
    Proceedings of the ELAZ-Conference (2004), pages 34-43.